Moral Clarity and Action in Tumultuous Times


Responding to Hurricane Harvey Victims

It is now clear that the need will be enormous.  At the same time, it will take some days to determine how we can most effectively provide immediate assistance.  Temple Israel is committed to responding in three stages: First, an immediate disaster relief response once the rain stops and the needs become clear.  Second, a hands-on relief mission sometime this fall.  Third, our annual teen Tikkun Olam trip will be to Houston, where they too will participate in rebuilding efforts. Both The New York Times and the Union for Reform Judaism provide information on how you can help immediately.

In his sermon on Sept. 1, Assistant Rabbi Danny Moss outlined a four-part action plan to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey.


Our Values in the Public Sphere

On recent Shabbats Rabbi Friedman has continued to speak about presenting our values in the public sphere.  Read his sermons from August 18 and August 25 (Shabbat on the Beach), as well as a letter to congregants on August 16.