TI’s World Famous Chanukah Party
Sun Dec 10 | 11a
$15 per adult, $10 per child
Our entire TI family will gather to celebrate Chanukah with candle lighting, a raucous sing-along dance party led by our cantors, mouth-watering food, glow-in-the-dark silent disco, and so much more.

Chanukah Lunch and Learn
Wed Dec 6 | 12p
Bring your lunch and join Cantor Becky Mann to explore the music of Chanukah.

Westport Town Lighting
Mon Dec 11 | 5p
Downtown Westport, corner of Main St & Post Rd
The entire Jewish community will gather to light a giant Chanukiah in the center of downtown Westport.

Young Family Chanukah Shabbat
Fri Dec 8 | 5p
We offer a warm, musical, and accessible Shabbat and Chanukah experience, designed specifically for children ages 2-7 and their families, and led by our clergy. A festive family dinner will follow.
Dinner: $15 per adult/ $10 per child

Congregational Chanukah Shabbat & Dinner
Fri Dec 8 | 6:30p
Celebrate the season of miracles with your TI family. BYOM (bring your own menorah) and together we will fill our space with the light of community and song. Festive dinner to follow
Dinner: $25 per adult/ $18 per child

Give a Night of Chanukah
Sat Dec 9
Some families have the tradition of giving presents each night of Chanukah. This year we encourage you to Give a Night of Chanukah, directing the amount you would ordinarily spend on one night of gifts to tzedakah instead.
We would love for you to capture your family celebrating this night. Please post a picture to our FB page or on IG and use the #TICHANUKAH.
Below you’ll find some tzedakah options that are important to our congregation. Of course, you can also feel free to choose a charity that is important to you.
HaTikvah Alliance Launched by TI members Seth & Sarah Brody, Hatikvah Alliance provides the world’s highest-quality life-saving medical kits to first responders and front-line personnel via a direct relationship with the Israeli authorities overseeing inbound aid.
JFS Food Pantry offers non-perishable foods, fresh produce and fruits, and frozen items to needy individuals and families as a once monthly supplement.
Annual Fund for Temple Israel Help us maintain our ironclad commitment to welcome everyone who wants to be part of our congregation regardless of financial capacity. Moreover, your contribution enables us to dream, experiment, innovate and thrive.

Women’s Group Latkes and Vodkas
Tue Dec 12 | 7p
$50 per person
Come to TI dressed in festive attire (ugly Chanukah sweaters encouraged!) and learn how to make vodka cocktails, while enjoying delicious latkes and our amazing company.
This event is open to all who identify as female.

Men’s Group Dreidels and Drinks
Wed Dec 13 | 7p
Blind Rhino Black Rock
3425 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport
Dress in your best ugly Chanukah sweater and join TI Men’s Group to celebrate Chanukah with good food, good drinks, and good company.
This event is open to all who identify as male.
Donate Holiday Gifts for Kids
Dec 3-10
Each holiday season, TI partners with Ralphola Taylor Community Center YMCA in Bridgeport to provide gifts to children in need. Gifts must be dropped off at TI. More detailed info can be found below.