Grade 5 | God

Learners will spend the year delving into the topics of Torah and God. Throughout the year, learners will dive deeply into Torah stories and explore the universal and Jewish values we learn from Torah. They’ll develop an understanding of the narrative arc of the Torah while creating their own Torah timeline. Torah will come to life as it is passed down l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. 5th grade learners also learn about God through different kinds of relationships, developing outward from a relationship to self (through discovery of God’s “identity” – as humans understand it) to a direct, personal relationship to God through an exploration of God’s expectations of and relationship with the greater world. This curriculum ensures that God becomes taught explicitly, interweaving Torah and other Jewish sources with personal discovery to help elicit individual connections to God. 

Students focus on learning Hebrew through learning prayers and participation in tefillah. They will review the prayers learned in Fourth Grade and will learn V’ahavta (how to love God).

Jewish life learning Sun 9-10:45 or Sun 10:45-12:30 or Tue 4:15-6:00
Hebrew learning: Sun 10-1, Mon-Thur 4-7 (pick a 30 min slot) or in person Wed 4:30-5:30