Social Action

Donate a Meal for the Gillespie Center
Every Tuesday | Dinner

The Gillespie Center is a shelter in downtown Westport, which serves the Westport homeless population. Temple Israel is committed to providing dinner every Tuesday night, which includes a main dish and side dishes that can serve 20-25 people. Click here for the current community guidelines at the Gillespie Center. Help us fulfill our commitment by volunteering for a Tuesday night via the link below.

Volunteer here


Temple Israel’s interfaith community organizing work through our CONECT partnership has become a hallmark of our congregation. For the past decade we have partnered with neighbors across the economic, racial, cultural and religious spectrum to build relationships, enhance our public power and make substantive change on issues that are important to all of us. CONECT has made an impact on issues as varied as criminal justice reform, gun safety, immigrant rights and healthcare.

Temple Israel will be embarking upon a series of substantive small-group community conversations. We will ask questions such as, What issues or challenges are weighing most heavily upon your mind? What keeps you up at night? What are your greatest concerns for your children or grandchildren? 
We will each have an opportunity to share stories about the issues that are of greatest importance to us, our towns, our state and our nation. In sharing those stories we will build community and connection within our congregation. Then we will use those stories to identify the next key issues that will shape our social justice work in the years to come.
We invite you to be part of these important conversations over the next few weeks.

Refugee Family Assistance

Temple Israel and the Westport Interfaith Council have committed to resettling a refugee family in our community. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help them settle into a new home, learn English, find medical professionals and navigate the school system. If you are interested in volunteering for this mitzvah, please email

For more information about the Social Action Committee, please contact Allyson Gottlieb, Social Action Committee Chair.