Shofar Choir
Don\’t BLOW Your Chance To Sound the Shofar on the High Holy Days.
The TI Shofar Choir performs for the High Holy Days and is open to adults and students in grades kindergarten and up.
If you are a beginner shofar blower, we ask that you attend our classes where you will learn how to properly blow the shofar for the High Holy Days. Classes are taught by shofar expert Sarit Silverman. Please email Sarit if you have any questions.
Class Schedule
Sept 4
Sept 8 | 15 | 22
After Religious School
Sept 9 | 16 | 23
Before Religious School
Sept 10 | 17 | 24
6:10- 6:40p
After Religious School
Contact Us
Your opinions are important to us. Whether it is a simple question or a valuable suggestion, we are here for you.
Rabbi Educator Elana Nemitoff-Bresler