Pizza Order Form
Weekday Afternoons for Grades K-6
Students arriving early will have time before class for snack and socializing with friends. You may sign up now for our pizza snack program for the entire school year – one slice of pizza and a cup of water. Once a month we will also offer a healthy option (like a yogurt parfait, cheese and crackers, hummus and vegetables, etc.).
Register for Pizza Snack
To arrange for a gluten-free alternative, please contact Mary Belletzkie, Religious School Administrative Assistant at 203.227.1656 or
If your child brings his or her own snack, all food that is brought into the Temple must be nut and sesame free.
Bus Form
Once again, Weston Public Schools is offering bus service to Religious School. Children arrive in time for socializing and snack before classes begin.
Register Weston Bus Service