We are so glad you are part of our Temple Israel family and wanted to send you some treats for Purim. All of us at Temple Israel want you to know we are thinking about you.
Purim begins Wednesday night March 16th and ends Thursday night March 17th.
There are 4 mitzvot of Purim which we want to help you experience.

Hearing/reading the megillah. Here you can find a link to join us for our megillah reading on Sunday, March 20th at 10:30am. It will be live streamed. You can probably find a megillah reading at your school as well.
- Here is an online version of the megillah. You’ll likely find some parts of the story you weren’t taught in Sunday school!

Eating a seudah, a tasty meal. Hopefully you eat something
tasty on Purim!

Giving and receiving mishloach manot (literally meaning “sending a portion”), gifts to friends, usually in the form of food. Our package to you today is a mishloach manot.
- We have tasty hamantashen, the triangle shaped cookie that reminds us of haman’s hat (fun fact, the yiddish word is actually meant to remind us of Haman’s triangular shaped pocket.
- You’ll also find a portable power bank which we hope reminds you of Temple Israel whenever you use it.
- Lastly, candy to add a little sweetness to your day!

Giving matanot l’evyonim, gifts to the poor. We invite you to give a donation to any organization of your choice this Purim. Even a donation of $1 is helpful. We want to suggest two organizations:
- WUPJ: The World Union for Progressive Judaism is collecting funds to donate to the Ukrainian Jewish population. You can donate here.
- HIAS: HIAS works to protect the stranger and the refugee, so everyone can feel welcome and safe in their homes. They are supporting those displaced in Ukraine, and also supporting Jews around the world. Support here.