What does the near and distant future hold for The Holy City? Rev. Dr. Bernard Wilson of the Norfield Congregational Church in Weston will join Temple Israel in ushering in Shabbat, and deliver a sermon on the historical significance of Jerusalem from a Christian point of view.
The prayer book serves as a window into our relationship with God, to Israel, and to Jerusalem. In this session, led by Rabbi Schwartz, we will specifically focus on how our prayer book illuminates our spiritual connection to Jerusalem throughout the generations.
The children will build the Kotel with our Israeli emissaries, Rotem and Noa. We will shop at the “shuk” (market in the Old City), bake and eat pita bread at a Jerusalem café and “dig” for ancient artifacts at the Jerusalem Archaeological Park.
Religious School students will create Jerusalem’s famous gates, and each will feature different activities related to the Holy City.
Come and enjoy engaging discussions and rich fellowship. For more information and descriptions of each book visit tiwestport.org/tibookgroup.
The FIRST FRIDAY of each month is a Shabbat not to be missed. Whether you’re a family or a senior, single or partnered, young or young-at-heart, there’s something for you at FIRST FRIDAYS. This FIRST FRIDAY will be even more special as we celebrate Israel’s Independence Day.
Yehuda Amichai: Poems of Jerusalem
Monday, May 15 at 7:00 pm
Yehudah Amichai’s family immigrated to Jerusalem from Germany in the 1930s. Through the decades he became Israel’s greatest modern poet. Rabbi Friedman will lead an exploration of some of Amichai’s best works: odes to Jerusalem, his beloved city.
Sharon Abraham-Weiss: The State of Civil Liberties in Israel
Monday, May 22 at 7:00 pm
Sharon Abraham-Weiss is the Executive Director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). She will share her experiences dealing with rights and civil liberties in Israel and the Occupied Territories. Co-sponsored by the New Israel Fund.
by Amos Oz
Come and enjoy engaging discussions and rich fellowship. For more information and descriptions of each book visit tiwestport.org/tibookgroup.