Grade 6 | Jewish Immigration and Holocaust

Students in grade six spend the year learning two different main topics: Jewish immigration and the Holocaust, which very much compliment each other. As new Middle Schoolers, these students personally learn about their own family’s immigration story through an experiential curriculum. Students work with multiple modalities to discover what it meant to be a Jew coming to America, and what it means to be a Jew in a world of hate. The Holocaust curriculum similarly explores what it means when our own identity is questioned by others.

Students also continue to work towards learning the prayers of the Shabbat morning service during dedicated time each week and through tefillah participation. Sixth graders will review the prayers learned in fifth grade and will learn the Torah Blessings, Haftarah blessings and the Torah service.

Jewish life learning Sun 9-10:45 or Sun 10:45-12:30 or Tue 4:15-6:00

Hebrew learning: Sun 10-1, Mon-Thur 4-7 (pick a 30 min slot)