Grade 3 | Lifecycles


Jews believe wholeheartedly in the value of participation in lifecycle events throughout our lives: birth, B’nei mitzvah, Confirmation, marriage and death. These five moments in our lives form the foundation of this experiential curriculum, where students will bring them to life for themselves. Students will explore their own connection to different life cycles and have the opportunity to question what they can personally take out of each one.

Third graders will continue to learn Hebrew through their dedicated Hebrew learning time each week, as well as participation in Tefillah. Students will review the prayers learned in third grade and will learn the Barchu, Shema and the beginning of the Amidah (the standing prayer), specifically Avot V’imahot (blessing of our ancestors) and G’vurot (God’s strength).


Hebrew is an integral part of the year, as the students learn to put the letters together into sounds and eventually into reading words! Third grade students work on learning the Shabbat evening blessings as well as Shema and Barchu by ear.


Jewish life learning Sun 9-10:45 or Sun 10:45-12:30 or Mon 4:15-6:00
Hebrew Sun 10-1, Mon-Thur 4-7 (pick a 30 min slot)