The class offerings below are for the 2025-26 school year.
If you have any questions about the current school year please contact the ECC school office or visit our Registration page.
Gan Katan
Little Gan | 6-11 months | 11:00a-12:00p
Big Gan | 12-17 months | 9:15-10:15a
This caregiver and me program is especially geared for the youngest members of our ECC community (6-18 months). This class is designed to be interactive and we invite you to participate with your child. Through this program your child will begin the process of embracing life-long Jewish values such as kavod (respect), derech eretz (good manners), and kehilah (community) through developmentally appropriate stories, games, songs and activities. Gan Katan is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families at TI, build community and form life long friendships during this stage of parenting. Children entering Gan Katan must meet the ages listed above by September 1, 2025.
Little Twos
Mon-Fri | 8:45-11:45a
18-23 Months
The Little Twos is geared for children approximately 18 months to under 2 years old and provides a first opportunity for separation from family and caregivers, and an opportunity to experience new activities as part of a group cohort. Activities are carefully constructed to develop social and emotional, cognitive, physical, language, and creativity skills. The shortened day reflects a developmentally appropriate experience for this age group. Children entering the Little 2’s must meet the age listed above by September 1, 2025.
Mon-Fri | 8:45-11:45am (Starting Nov 1, 2025- 8:45am-12:15pm)
Children in the Twos are guided in learning how to separate from a parent or caregiver and encouraged to develop important skills while engaging in developmentally appropriate social/emotional, cognitive, language and physical learning experiences. The classroom offers children the opportunity to gather as a group, participate in age appropriate sensory and creative experiences, and dramatic play experiences that help to develop essential social/emotional skills. Children entering the 2’s must be 2 by September 1, 2025.
Mon-Fri | 9a-12:30p
The Threes Program encourages independence and self-help skills as well as a growing love of learning and friendship. Children come together in larger classroom groups and throughout the day participate in small group, large group, and independent learning experiences. These experiences are designed to promote the child’s ability to problem solve, self-regulate and negotiate as they explore and interact with friends in the classroom. Our literature and print-rich environment introduce the child to the concept of letters, particularly the letters in their name, and a love and appreciation for reading. Daily fine motor activities begin to develop each child’s ability to draw and write. Children in the Threes meet Monday-Friday 9:00 am-12:30 pm and eat lunch in school daily, either brought from home or purchased. The room is arranged with many interesting and inviting centers, including art, writing, books, dramatic play, block, sensory, science, math, and manipulative centers. Activities in the classroom encourage the learning process and recognize that every child is a unique learner and on their own trajectory of growth and development. Children entering the 3’s must be 3 by September 1, 2025.
Mon-Fri | 9a-1:30p
In the Fours Program, emphasis continues on supporting a child’s learning and the social emotional growth of the child. The dynamic curriculum provides learning opportunities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Opportunities are provided to create and explore cognitive concepts that include math and science. A literature-rich environment promotes and encourages the ability to understand print concepts and letter recognition. Daily fine motor experiences strengthen the children’s abilities to draw and write. Mathematical concepts are learned through manipulatives that promote one-to-one correspondence. A rich and varied block area encourages mathematical cause and effect. Weekly formal science experiments are documented by the children in their science journals. Children entering the 4’s must be 4 by September 1, 2025.
Fives | NEW Beginning September 2025
Mon-Fri | 8:45a-2:30p *subject to change
The Fives program at Temple Israel is an exciting and innovative program designed to meet the needs of five-year-old children, as they transition from Early Childhood Education into elementary school. The program seeks to educate and nurture five-year-olds according to educational best practice, standards, and in alignment with Jewish values. The program features attention to emergent curriculum, social-emotional skill building, and an emphasis on Jewish learning.
Photos coming soon.
Afternoon Enrichment
Afternoon enrichment classes are offered every day as options for children in the 3’s and 4’s programs to extend the school day. Current classes include martial arts, cooking, soccer, art, and music. Classes are subject to change. Sign into the Parent Corner to register for Afternoon Enrichment.