Volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways to become fully engaged in the Temple Israel community. And, as a volunteer, you help the Temple achieve its mission to be a Reform Jewish community devoted to praying together, learning together, and caring for each other. Below is a brief description of each of TI’s committees along with the Committee Chairs’ contact information. Get involved! If you have any questions or want further information, contact the assigned committee chair.
Adult Jewish Learning provides programs through lectures, guest speakers, and discussion groups to promote lifelong Jewish education.
Contact: Steven Phillips at AJL@tiwestport.org
Caring Community responds to members’ in times of need with acts of kindness and caring. Subcommittees support members during illness, bereavement, new baby, and times of other life challenges. Contact: Jen Rubin atcaring@tiwestport.org
Cemetery oversees the operation of the Temple’s cemetery in Norwalk.
Contact: Leonard Leader at cemetery@tiwestport.org
Early Childhood formulates policy for early childhood education center in conjunction with Director. ECC Parent Association provides support to classroom activities and celebrations.
Contact: Nancy Issacs at nissacs@tiwestport.org
Fine Arts enhances the congregation’s appreciation of Jewish music and art through its programs.
Contact: Yvonne Senturia at finearts@tiwestport.org
House oversees the maintenance and enhancement of TI’s buildings and grounds.
Contact: Lisa Goldberg at lgoldberg@tiwestport.org
Israel educates and promotes Temple Israel’s connection to Israel.
Contact: Sally Kliegman at israel@tiwestport.org
Judaica Shop selects and merchandises a wide array of Judaica available for purchase by the community.
Contact: Lori Tompkins at judaicashop@tiwestport.org
Library oversees TI’s library collection and promotes its use by the community.
Contact: Harriet Selverstone at library@tiwestport.org
Membership serves to attract, welcome, and involve new and long-standing members in the Temple community.
Contact: Fran Danter at membership@tiwestport.org
Men’s Group provides an authentic environment for members to foster camaraderie, share Jewish values and engage in community through social, educational, religious, and civic activities.
Contact: Steve Snow at mensgroup@tiwestport.org
Religious School formulates policy for the religious school in conjunction with the Director. RS Parent Association supports classroom activities and celebrations.
Contact: Lisa Gold at religiousschool@tiwestport.org
Ritual provides input to our Clergy regarding worship services and Jewish holiday observances, and arranges honors and ushering during the Shabbat and High Holy Day Services.
Contact: Eileen Berenyi atritual@tiwestport.org
Social Action organizes opportunities for Tikkun Olam – repairing the world.
Contact: Allyson Gottlieb at socialaction@tiwestport.org
Women’s Groupcreates community and connection among the women of Temple Israel through shared, meaningful experiences.
Contact: Diana Muller and Lauri Ingber at womensgroup@tiwestport.org
Youth advises, supports, and recommends policy and programming concerning informal education of our Temple youth.
Contact:Karen Kleine at youth@tiwestport.org