Sun April 28 | 11a
Engaging our community in hands-on public service projects such as:
• Preparing meals for the homeless
• Planting flowers for senior citizens
• Writing letters to Israeli soldiers
Project descriptions are below. This is a congregation-wide event in conjunction with our many community partners. Several of our projects are child friendly and we encourage you to bring the entire family to join us as we make a positive impact in our local communities.
Bring an unwrapped, unused gift to donate to Al’s Angels.
Tikkun Olam Week & Mitzvah Day are sponsored by the Benmosché family.
Supporting Israeli Soldiers
Write letters and send photographs to our lone IDF soldiers. Learn more about IDF soldiers and begin a shared interaction between our religious school students and the Israeli soldiers.
The Gillespie Center/Homes with Hope
Make brown bag lunches and lasagna dinners for The Gillespie Center/Homes with Hope. Decorate meal bags to add a personal touch.
Al’s Angels
Make a child’s day brighter by wrapping presents and decorate cards for children with pediatric cancer and rare blood disorders. Gift donation of new toys needed.
Outreach Program
Package over 10K non-perishable meals. Adults needed for this activity.
Colin’s Fund
Make no-sew blankets for children with congenital heart defects. Materials supplied.
Brady’s Smile
Make hospital bags for the youngest patients, with crayons, coloring books and other goods.
Bridgeport Rescue Mission & Weston Social Services
Make “blessing bags” of toiletry kits for those in need in Bridgeport and Weston.
Jewish Senior Services
Make lap blankets and plant centerpieces.
Weston Senior Center
Make cards, placemats and bookmarks for the elderly.
Weston Social Services
Make dog treats and toys for families in need with pets.
March of Dimes
Make care bags.
Social Action fundraising
Make and decorate bowls for donations to all of these community partners and more!