Tikkun Olam Projects


Our commitment to tikkun olam (repairing our world) inspires us to speak and act on behalf of our fellow human beings. Becoming b’nei mitzvah at TI means embracing this Jewish value by instilling a sense of social responsibility and compassion as we transition into adulthood.   



  • Learners may begin their Tikkun Olam project anytime within the 12 months leading up to their b’nei mitzvah.
  • Learners should devote approximately 15 hours to their Tikkun Olam project.
  • Learners should choose a project that resonates with their interests and talents. Please review our list of suggested projects.
  • Learners should complete this form to let us know about their choice. 
  • Learners will have an opportunity to share and discuss their project during their meeting with their officiating clergy.